
Special Issues of Journals
Jones, M., Nardi, B. and Mynatt, E. (2005). Social
Impacts of Technology. A special issue of ACM Transactions on
Computer-Human Interaction 12 (2). |
Nardi, B. and Redmiles, D. (2002). Activity Theory
and the Practice of Design. A special issue of The Journal of
Computer-supported Cooperative Work 11 ( 1-2). |
Nardi, B. and Y. Engeström. (1998). A Web on
the Wind: The Structure of Invisible Work. A special issue of The
Journal of Computer-supported Cooperative Work 8 (1-2). Introduction
to the issue. |
Journal Articles, Peer-reviewed
Conversations in World of Warcraft (2007) |
and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft
(2006) |
Nardi, B. (2005). Beyond
bandwidth: Dimensions of connection in interpersonal interaction.
The Journal of Computer-supported Cooperative Work 14: 91-130. |
Nardi, B. (2005). Objects of desire: Power and passion
in collaborative activity. Journal of Mind, Culture and Activity
12: 37-51. |
Nardi, B., Schiano, D., Gumbrecht, M., and Swartz,
L. (2004). Why We Blog. Communications
of the Association for Computing Machinery. December. Pp. 41-46. |
Nardi, B., Whittaker, S., Isaacs, E., Creech, M.,
Johnson, J., and Hainsworth, J. (2002). ContactMap:
Integrating communication and information through visualizing personal
social networks. Communications of the Association for Computing
Machinery. April. Pp. 89-95. For a visual, see this picture. |
Nardi, B., Whittaker, S. and Schwarz, H. (2002).
NetWORKers and their activity in
intensional networks. The Journal of Computer-supported Cooperative
Work 11: 205-242. |
Nardi, B., Miller, J. and Wright D. (1998). Collaborative,
programmable intelligent agents.
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery.
March. Pp. 96-104. |
Nardi, B. (1996). Concepts of cognition and consciousness:
Four voices. Australian
Journal of Information Systems 4: 64–69. Reprinted
in ACM Journal of Computer Documentation, February, 1998. |
Nardi, B. and O'Day, V. (1996). Intelligent agents:
What we learned at the library. Libri 46: 59–88. |
Nardi, B. and Reilly, B. (1996). Interactive ethnography:
Beyond being there. Innovation 15: 11-16. |
Nardi, B., Kuchinsky, A., Whittaker, S., Leichner,
R. and Schwarz, H. (1996). Video-as-data: Technical and social aspects
of a collaborative multimedia application. Journal of Computer-supported
Cooperative Work 4: 73–100. Reprinted in Video-mediated
Communication, K. Finn, A. Sellen and S. Wilbur (eds.) 1997,
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. |
Johnson, J. and Nardi, B. (1996). Creating
presentation slides: A study of user preferences for task-specific
vs generic application software. Transactions on Computer-Human
Interaction 3: 1–51. |
Nardi, B. and Zarmer, C. (1993). Beyond models and
metaphors: Visual formalisms in user interface design. Journal
of Visual Languages and Computing 4: 5–33. Best Paper Award
at Hawaii International Conference of Systems Science, January,
1993 for previous version. |
Johnson, J., Nardi, B., Zarmer, C. and Miller, J.
(1993). ACE: A new approach to building interactive graphical applications.
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery.
January. Pp. 40–55. |
Nardi, B. and Miller, J. (1991). Twinkling lights
and nested loops: Distributed problem solving and spreadsheet development.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 34: 161–184.
Reprinted in S. Greenberg (ed.) Computer Supported Cooperative
Work and Groupware. Academic Press, London, 1991. Reprinted in
Readings in Groupware and Computer Supported Cooperative Work,
Ron Baecker (ed.) 1993, San Mateo CA: Morgan Kaufmann. |
Nardi, B. (1983). Goals in reproductive decision
making. American Ethnologist 3: 697–714. |
Nardi, B. (1981). Modes of explanation in anthropological
population theory. American Anthropologist 83: 28–56. |
Conference Proceedings Papers, Peer-reviewed
Nardi, B., Schiano, Kallinikos, J. (2007).
Opening the Black Box of Digital Technologies:
Mods in World of Warcraft |
Nardi, B., Zimmerman, A. (2006).
Whither or Whether HCI:
Requirements Analysis for Multi-Sited, Multi-User Cyberinfrastructures
Nardi, B., Schiano, D. and Gumbrecht, M. (2004).
Blogging as social activity,
or, Would you let 900 million people read your diary? Proceedings
of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. New
York: ACM Press. Pp. 222-228. |
Nardi, B., Whittaker, S. and Bradner, E. (2000).
Interaction and outeraction: Instant
messaging in action. Proceedings Conference on Computer-supported
Cooperative Work. New York: ACM Press. Pp. 79-88. |
Nardi, B., Anderson, K. and Erickson, T. (1995).
Filing and finding computer files. Proceedings East-West Conference
on Human Computer Interaction. Moscow, Russia. July 4–8.
Pp. 162–179. |
Nardi, B. and Johnson, J. (1994). User
preferences for task-specific vs. generic application software.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer
Systems. New York: ACM Press. Pp. 392–398. |
Nardi , B., Schwarz, H., Kuchinsky, A., Leichner,
R., Whittaker, S. and Sclabassi, R. (1993). Turning
away from talking heads: Video-as-data in neurosurgery. Proceedings
InterCHI 93. New York: ACM. Pp. 327–334. Reprinted in S.
Emmott (ed). Information Superhighways. London: Academic
Press. |
Nardi, B. (1992). Studying context: A comparison
of activity theory, situated action models and distributed cognition.
Proceedings East-West Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
August 4–8, St. Petersburg, Russia. Pp. 352–359. |
Gantt, M. and Nardi, B. (1992).
Gardeners and gurus: Patterns of collaboration among CAD users.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems.
Pp. 107–117. |
Nardi, B. and Miller, J. (1990). The spreadsheet
interface: A basis for end user programming. Proceedings Interact'90.
Pp. 977–983. |
Nardi, B. and Miller J. (1990). An
ethnographic study of distributed problem solving in spreadsheet development
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work. Pp. 197–208. |
Ciccarelli, E. and Nardi, B. (1988). Browsing schematics:
Query-filtered graphs with context nodes. Proceedings Second Annual
Workshop on Space Operations, Automation and Robotics. Pp. 193–204. |
Nardi, B. and Simons, R. (1986). Model-based reasoning
and AI problem solving. Proceedings Conference on High Level Tools
for Knowledge-based Systems. Pp. 56-68. |
Book Chapters, Peer -reviewed
Fisher, D. and Nardi, B. (2006). Soylent and ContactMap:
Tools for constructing the social workscape. Forthcoming in Integrated
Workscapes. M. Czerwinski and V. Kaptelinin (eds.) Cambridge:
MIT Press. |
O’Day, V. and Nardi, B. (2003). An ecological
perspective on digital libraries. In Digital Library Use: Social
Practice in Design and Evaluation. A. Bishop, B. Butterfield
and N. Van House (eds.) Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. 65-84. |
Nardi, B. and Whittaker, S. (2002). The place of
face to face communication in distributed work. In Distributed
Work. P. Hinds and S. Kiesler (eds.) Cambridge: MIT Press. |
Nardi, B. (2001). A cultural ecology of nanotechnology.
In Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
M. Roco and W. Bainbridge (eds.) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Lieberman, H., Nardi, B. and Wright, D. (2001). Training
agents to recognize text by example. In Your Wish is My Command.
H. Lieberman (ed.) San Francisco: Morgan Kauffman. Pp. 343-361. |
Nardi, B. (1997). The use of ethnographic methods
in design and evaluation. In M. Helander, T. Landauer and P. Prabhu
(eds.) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction II. Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: Elsevier Science. Pp. 361–366. |
Nardi, B. (1995). Some reflections on scenarios.
In J. Carroll (ed). Scenarios as Design Representations.
London: Academic Press. Pp. 335-351. |
Nardi, B. and Paulson, E. (1987). Multiple worlds
with truth maintenance in AI applications. In B. DuBoulay, D. Hogg
and L. Steels (eds.) Advances in Artificial Intelligence-II.
Amsterdam: North Holland Press. Pp. 563–572. |
Nardi, B. (1985). Infant feeding and women's work
in Western Samoa. In L. Marshall (ed). Infant Care and Feeding
in the South Pacific. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
Pp. 293–306. |
Nardi, B. (1980). Use of computer simulation for
predicting sociocultural change. In Predicting Sociocultural Change.
S. Abbot and J. van Willigen (eds). Athens: University of Georgia
Press. Pp. 38–56. |
Professional Magazines
Nardi, B. and Reilly, B. (1996). Digital Photography at
Lincoln High: An Interactive Ethnography.
Nardi, B., O'Day, V. and Valauskas, E. (1996). Put a Good
Librarian, Not Software, in Driver's Seat. Christian Science Monitor,
June 4. Winner of the 1996. Special Libraries Association Media Award.